I started Love To Learn to support you in educating your child.

“…the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.”
James 3:17


Personalized Education Solutions

Educational Consulting

Private Educator

Homeschool Teacher

Homeschool Co-op Teacher

Tutoring and Mentoring

Homework Support


Personalized Educational Solutions

I understand the challenges of shepherding a child safely and successfully through school. Children and parents are asked to overcome large class sizes, overworked teachers, under-educated teachers, cultural and political change, unsupervised, unfiltered use of the internet and more. Some schools are not the ideal learning environment for many children.

If you want to nurture your child’s God-given talents, help them fulfill their true potential and protect them as they mature, I am here to help.